Chapter 15 Checklists
by Jade Benjamin-Chung
15.1 Pre-analysis plan checklist
- Brief background on the study (a condensed version of the introduction section of the paper)
- Hypotheses / objectives
- Study design
- Description of data
- Definition of outcomes
- Definition of interventions / exposures
- Definition of covariates
- Statistical power calculation
- Statistical model description
- Covariate selection / screening
- Standard error estimation method
- Missing data analysis
- Assessment of effect modification / subgroup analyses
- Sensitivity analyses
- Negative control analyses
15.2 Code checklist
- Does the script run without errors?
- Is code self-contained within repo and/or associated Box folder?
- Is all commented out code / remarks removed?
- Does the header accurately describe the process completed in the script?
- Is the script pushed to its github repository?
- Does the code adhere to the coding style guide?
- Are all warnings ignorable? Should any warnings be intentionally suppressed or addressed?
15.3 Manuscript checklist
This is adapted in part from this article.
- Have you completed the relevant reporting checklist, if applicable? (Collection of checklists)
- Are the study results within the manuscript replicable (i.e., if you rerun the code in the study’s repository, the tables and figures will be exactly replicated?)
- Is a target journal selected?
- Is the title declarative, in other words, does it state the object/findings rather than suggest them?
- Is the word count of the manuscript close to the target journal’s allowance?
- Does the manuscript adhere to the formatting guide of the target journal?
- Does the manuscript use a consistent voice (passive or active – usually active is preferred … pun intended)?
- Is each figure and table (including supplementary material) referenced in the main text?
- Is there a caption for each figure and table (including supplementary material)?
- Are tables/figures and supplementary material numbered in accordance with their appearance in the main text?
- Does the text use past tense if it is reporting research findings or future tense if it is a study protocol?
- Does the text avoid subjective wording (e.g., “interesting”, “dramatic”)?
- Does the text use minimal abbreviations, and are all abbreviations defined at first use?
- Does the text avoid directionless words? (e.g., instead of writing, ‘Precipitation influences disease risk’, write, ‘Precipitation was associated with increased disease risk’).
- Does the text avoid making causal claims that are not supported by the study design? Be careful about the words “effect”, “increase”, and “decrease”, which are often interpreted as causal.
- Does the text avoid describing results with the word “significant”, which can easily be confused with statistical significance? (see references on this topic here)
- Have you drafted author contributions? Do they follow the CRediT Taxonomy for author contributions?
15.4 Figure checklist
- Are the x-axis and y-axis labeled?
- If the figure includes panels, is each panel labeled?
- Are there sufficient numerical / text labels and breaks on the x-axis and y-axis?
- Is the font size appropriate (i.e., large enough to read, not so large that it distracts from the data presented in the figure?)
- Are the colors used colorblind friendly? See a colorblind-friendly palette here, a neat palette generator with colorblind options here, and an article on why this matters here
- Are colors/shapes/line types defined in a legend?
- Are the legends and other labels easy to understand with minimal abbreviations?
- If there is overplotting, is transparency used to show overlapping data?
- Are 95% confidence intervals or other measures of precision shown, if applicable?